A Western Australian researcher has successfully secured $480,000 in funding over the next four years for vital research into treatment for those living with lung cancer and mesothelioma, after securing this year's Cancer Council WA Research Fellowship.
Cancer Council WA Cancer Prevention and Research Director, Melissa Ledger, said the organisation's funding strategy supports research projects that have a real impact in the community.
"We would like to congratulate Professor Jenette Creaney on being awarded a Cancer Council WA Research Fellowship," Ms Ledger said.
"Every year we provide a four-year fellowship that supports senior researchers which is only possible through the generosity of the WA community.
"Our Research Fellowship Program funds outstanding researchers working in the field of cancer so they can undertake research that is of major benefit to the Western Australian community.
"This research will benefit people with difficult-to-treat cancers such as lung cancer and the asbestos-induced cancer, mesothelioma.
"Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related death in Western Australia, with more than 1000 cases diagnosed in the state each year.
"Additionally, WA has the highest rate of mesothelioma in the world.
"These cancers have very poor outcomes with more than 80% of people with lung cancer and 95% of people with mesothelioma dying within five years of diagnosis, so we are pleased this Fellowship will go towards increasing the number of people with lung cancer and mesothelioma who respond to treatment."
University of Western Australia Professor, Scientific Director of the National Centre for Asbestos Related Diseases, and a research leader with the Institute for Respiratory Health, Jenette Creaney, said she was excited by the announcement.
"I would like to thank Cancer Council WA for this funding opportunity, which will allow me to lead research from WA that brings together scientists and clinicians from across Australia," Prof Creaney said.
"Modern cancer treatments are highly successful in some people, but not the majority of people.
"At present, I am researching personalised cancer vaccines to enhance the ability of the body's own immune system to recognise and attack tumour cells. We are testing the safety and practicality of this approach through a small clinical trial in West Australians living with lung cancer.
"This funding will allow me to continue the research underpinning the current clinical trial and also help towards expanding to the next phase of clinical trials."