$5.3M Boost to Safeguard Australia's Heritage Sites

Dept of Climate Change, Energy, Environment & Water

The Albanese Labor Government is better protecting Australia's precious places with $5.3 million to restore rare, exceptional and outstanding heritage sites.

The investment will fund 17 new projects including vegetation and habitat rehabilitation, building conservation work, heritage management planning and vital infrastructure improvements. These projects will be delivered across National Heritage-listed places in Western Australia, South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania and Antarctica.

Examples of funded projects include:

  • $328,000 to support the Broken Hill Trades Hall to undertake vital internal and external repair and maintenance works and provide improved storage of important historical documents.
  • $400,000 to protect the Tasmanian Wilderness by managing invasive species and limiting the further spread of pest plants and animals into critical habitat.
  • $350,000 to protect the Brewarrina Aboriginal Fish Traps (Baiame's Ngunnhu) on the Barwon River in New South Wales.
  • $92,400 to prevent further water damage and repair affected walls at Abbotsford Convent in Melbourne.
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