The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is today announcing the theme for the updated $5 banknote, which will honour the enduring emotional, spiritual, and physical connection of First Nations peoples to country.
Assistant Governor (Business Services) Michelle McPhee says, 'The theme encompasses the deep connection First Nations peoples have to the land, the waters and the sky.'
'This inspiring theme will guide the creation of an artwork that will feature on the redesigned banknote.'
'The selection of a theme follows an Australia-wide campaign, which led to more than 2,100 theme nominations from the public.'
'We extend our gratitude to everyone who made a submission.'
Theme for the $5 Banknote
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Country is more than just the land. Country is the land, the waters, and the sky. All are connected. The imagery on the $5 banknote should recognise the enduring connection that First Nations peoples have to Country – as an emotional and spiritual connection, as much as a physical one.
An important context for this connection is the overturning of the concept of terra nullius. This action recognised the existence of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people's relationship to Country for thousands of years. The artist is invited to reflect how this decision has shaped a positive future for First Nations peoples.
Key to this theme is the recognition of First Nations communities' contribution to the restoration and conservation of our environment. Using traditional ecological knowledge First Nations peoples continue to act as custodians to sustain and conserve Country. There is an opportunity for all Australians to learn from Australia's original stewards on how to nurture and protect our fragile world.
The theme should be represented in a way that recognises the diversity of First Nations peoples, across Australia and the Torres Strait. In acknowledging connection and caring for Country the theme should be inclusive, recognising the nature of Country varies, but it is all connected – the land, waters and sky. The artwork should avoid being tokenistic or stereotypical. The tone for the banknote is of a hopeful future, where First Nation peoples' connection to Country is celebrated and respected.
Before selecting the theme, the RBA engaged with First Nations organisations across the country to build awareness and encourage the submission of ideas.
The $5 Redesign Imagery Selection Panel, which includes First Nations representatives and representatives from the RBA and Note Printing Australia, selected the theme.
The new design will replace the portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, while the reverse side will continue to feature the Australian Parliament. The new design will reflect the chosen theme and incorporate artwork from a First Nations artist.