50 Years Of Good Friday In Lakes Entrance

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Lakes Entrance Fire Brigade is this year celebrating 50 years of collecting for the Good Friday Appeal.

Lakes Entrance Fire Brigade is this year celebrating 50 years of collecting for the Good Friday Appeal.

Over their incredible 50 years of fundraising the brigade has raised a total of $607,155.31

The appeal began in Lakes Entrance over 50 years ago when local barber Billy Bills was asked to coordinate the effort.

Billy was motivated to take on the role because of a well-known local boy who was living at the Royal Children's Hospital with Spina Bifida.

After Billy's passing his son, Alan Bills, continued the work for over 30 years until ill health led him to pass the responsibility to Area Manager and Lakes Entrance Brigade member John Upton.

John, along with his daughter Lesley Garth, continue to coordinate the appeal today.

John said it is amazing to have watched the appeal grow into what it is today.

"It is a pretty good effort for a small town like ours to keep it going, to keep collecting, and to keep supporting the cause," he said.

Fundraising efforts started with a collection point at Billy's own home, with a focus around can collection and support from local businesses.

John said the support from local businesses has only grown in recent years and he is thankful to have such a supportive community behind the brigade's efforts.

"Over time, raffles were introduced, and CFA members, their partners, and children all became involved," he said.

"Families assisted with collections at caravan parks, using a fire truck to attract attention.

"Fire trucks and community buses filled with children collect from local houses, and we hold raffles at several evening venues."

Brigade Captain Phil Loukes said it has become a real community event and it's heartwarming to see the brigade still going strong after 50 years of collecting.

"It is a whole brigade thing, it is absolutely embraced by all of the brigade," he said.

"Lakes has really suffered first from covid and then from the 2019/2020 bushfires, we haven't really recovered so our community has been amazing in supporting us."

The Good Friday Appeal became personal for John after his granddaughter was diagnosed with cancer when she was 18 months old.

John's own children and another grandchild also needed to rely on the services of the RCH. he said it is a special place that deserves all the help it gets.

"It is an absolute necessity to make sure the kids are okay," he said.

He said many members of the brigade and the broader community have been touched by the world class care of the Royal Children's Hospital.

"The RCH is unique and a very important place for kids who need it," he said

"The legacy that those early people have left, they built a really strong foundation and as a brigade it is a highlight.

"It pulls people together with a common goal."

John said the totals the brigade sees each year are a testament to the hard work of so many people behind the scenes including brigade life member Graeme Adams and his wife Truus who have been involved since the very beginning.

"None of this would have been possible without the ongoing support of CFA members, their partners, children, and the broader community," John said.

"To anyone out there please give as generously as you can as you can afford to, even just a few cents, it all goes a long way."

This year, CFA volunteers are aiming to surpass $40 million in total funds collected for the Good Friday Appeal across 74 years.

CFA brigades will be fundraising online for those who don't get a chance to donate in person. Find brigade fundraising pages at Good Friday Appeal : Find a Fundraiser

On Good Friday call 1300 APPEAL between 9am and 11pm.

/CFA News Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.