$5M Reward for Info on Guatemalan Drug Trafficker

Department of State

Today, the Department of State's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs is announcing a reward offer under the Narcotics Rewards Program (NRP) of up to $5 million for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction, in any country, of Guatemalan narcotics trafficker Haroldo Waldemar Lorenzana Terraza, a/k/a "Haroldito." This reward is offered in coordination with the Government of Guatemala in a unified effort to bring Lorenzana Terraza to justice and augments the existing Guatemalan reward offer of 50,000 Quetzals for Lorenzana Terraza's capture.

Lorenzana Terraza is a member of the Lorenzana drug trafficking family operating out of La Reforma, Guatemala, with established trafficking ties to a number of Mexican drug trafficking organizations, including the Sinaloa Cartel (recently designated by the United States as a Foreign Terrorist Organization and Specially Designated Global Terrorist). Since 1996, the Lorenzana Drug Trafficking Organization has allegedly coordinated the transportation, storage, and distribution of multi-ton quantities of cocaine from Colombia to Central America and Mexico for eventual distribution in the United States.

The DEA's investigation of Lorenzana Terraza has led to two indictments in the District of Columbia with international narcotics violations. In the superseding indictment, Lorenzana Terraza was charged with operating a Continuing Criminal Enterprise (CCE) and four additional co-defendants were also charged.

Today's reward offer is authorized by the Secretary under the NRP

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