Aboriginal community groups and organisations can now apply for the 2019 round of funding under the Protecting Our Places (POP) program.
Michael Dine of the NSW Environmental Trust, said the grants support activities that benefit local environments including bush regeneration, weed management, revegetation, pest animal management, erosion control, habitat creation, ecological and cultural burning, fencing, track works, educational and interpretive signage and resources.
"I am pleased to announce this commitment to empower Aboriginal communities to build healthier environments during NAIDOC week, when Australians celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and achievements", said Mr Dine.
"This funding provides opportunities to collaborate; to promote positive land management activities while building local capacity and strengthening relationships," he added.
Up to $60,000 is available for each successful project.
The program is open to Aboriginal corporations and organisations and is specific to the environmental improvement of landscapes and waterways of significance to Aboriginal communities throughout NSW.
Launched in 2002, this NSW Environmental Trust annual program is now into its 16th funding round.
The program focuses on empowering Aboriginal communities to contribute to the ongoing protection and management of natural environments significant to the local Aboriginal community, said Mr Dine.
"Project management workshops and support mechanisms implemented within an Aboriginal context are built into the program and seek to strengthen individual and organisational capabilities, build the capacity of communities to deliver environmental improvements and share knowledge around landscapes of cultural significance to the local community," he said.
All applications to this contestable grant program will be assessed on merit by an independent technical committee comprised exclusively of Aboriginal members as set out in the Program Guidelines.
Applications close at 3pm on 26 August 2019. The Trust will seek to approve successful grants by November 2019, with notifications expected in December 2019.
Link to photos of existing projects from previous Protecting our Places Program projects can be found at OEHFlickr: Protecing our places - Environmental trust funded program
Find out more about the Protecting our Places program