$600M Boost for Rural and Remote Home Care Providers

Department of Health

The Australian Government is investing $600 million to help ensure the availability of Support at Home aged care services in rural and remote Australia, and for people with diverse backgrounds and life experiences.

Eligible providers operating in rural and remote areas, or providing specialist services, can apply for additional funding to support their financial viability and ensure service continuity for their clients.

This funding will ensure people living in Australia's regions will have freedom, support and choice to remain in the home and communities they love as they age.

Eligible providers can apply online via GrantConnect before 2pm AEST, 23 April 2025.

Successful applicants will be advised from the end of May 2025 and receive their grant funding by August 2025.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Aged Care, Anika Wells:

"The Albanese Labor Government is delivering more than $600 million to ensure older people can access quality and affordable aged care to stay independent at home for longer, regardless of where they live or if they need specialist services."

"This additional funding recognises the challenges faced by aged care providers in rural and remote Australia, or who deliver specialist services to our most vulnerable older people."

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