63 Police Officers Bolster Our Strong Blue Line

NT Government

The Lawler Labor Government is continuing to deliver on its common sense plan to lower crime, with 63 new Constables graduating from the Northern Territory Police College today.

During today's ceremony, the 63 new officers will swear an oath, emphasising their ongoing commitment to serving and protecting our communities, before being deployed to their new stations.

Constables from Graduating Recruit Squad 154 and Transition Constable Squad 1 will be posted to the following locations:

Darwin & Palmerston - 13

Alice Springs - 33

Tennant Creek - 6

Katherine - 10

Gapuwiyak - 1

These new Constables bring with them a range of experience and varying professional backgrounds, including 12 recruits following in their family's footsteps and continuing the police legacy. This will be acknowledged through serving family members presenting their badge.

Over the course of the next month, more new Constables will continue to bolster our front line, with 14 recruits set to graduate from the Accelerated Recruitment Program on July 25. Eight of those 14 new Constables will be posted to Alice Springs, bringing the total number of new officers in the Red Centre to 41, while an additional 6 will be posted to Katherine.

These milestone graduations come at a time where the Lawler Labor Government has invested more into the Northern Territory Police Force than ever before, with a record budget boost to our front line of $570 million over five years.

This record-breaking extra investment will deliver 200 extra police, 25 more 000 call takers, more resources and support to front line officers and a $125 million dedicated police infrastructure package.

Quotes attributed to Chief Minister, Eva Lawler:

"Every one of the 63 new Constables who are graduating today will play an important role in lowering crime and improving community safety across the Territory."

"These new recruits will be posted right across the Territory and will support experienced officers in reducing crime.

"My number one priority is keeping Territorians safe, we are investing in 200 extra officers, more police vehicles, more emergency call centre staff and more support for our hard working officers."

Quotes attributed to Minister for Police, Brent Potter:

"Today is a shining example of the success of the Northern Territory Police College, with so many graduates entering into the Norther Territory Police Force."

"63 new Constables in your communities will mean quicker response times, more high visibility policing and less anti-social behaviour."

"Today is a special day for those graduating, and I want to congratulate you all and I am excited to see where your careers take you."

Northern Territory Government

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