$68 Million Boost To Barwon Heads Road

Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

The Albanese Labor Government is Building Australia's Future, today announcing an additional $68.2 million investment to ensure the full delivery of the second stage of the upgrade to Barwon Heads Road from Reserve Road to Lower Duneed Road.

This includes upgrading approximately six kilometres of road infrastructure, from a two-lane to a new four-lane arterial road, doubling the existing capacity.

Works will also include new traffic lights and upgraded intersections, along with a new shared-use path along Barwon Heads Road.

The $318 million Barwon Heads Road Upgrade - Stage 2 project is jointly funded by the Australian and Victorian governments.

Delivery will start in late 2025, and the Commonwealth will work closely with the Victorian Government and local community to upgrade Barwon Heads Road.

Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King:

"The Albanese Labor Government is committed to delivering quality infrastructure that will benefit all Australians.

"This additional investment will ensure the full upgrade of Barwon Heads Road can be delivered, increasing the capacity of the road and intersections to allow traffic to flow more freely."

Quotes attributable to State Minister for Transport Infrastructure Gabrielle Williams:

"The second stage of the Barwon Heads Road Upgrade will cut congestion and improve traffic flow across the Armstrong Creek community - delivering extra lanes and upgraded intersections.

"After ten years of neglect from the Federal Liberal Government, It's great to have a partner in Canberra that can find Victoria on a map and deliver critical infrastructure that will cut travel times and boost safety."

Quotes attributable to Federal Member for Corangamite Libby Coker:

"The Barwon Heads Road duplication will create a safer road environment for our fast-growing region by improving traffic flow and ensuring working families spend less time in the car and more time at home.

"By 2031 Barwon Heads Road is projected to carry up to 44,000 cars and trucks every day, and Armstrong Creek is one of the Victoria's fastest growing suburbs.

"I'm proud to be part of a Government that plans and invests in the infrastructure our communities need now and into the future."

Quotes attributable to Member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney:

"The Barwon Heads Road Upgrade will cut congestion for locals that depend on these roads every day.

"We are getting on delivering transformative projects across Victoria's growing south west to keep people moving."

Quotes attributable for Member for Bellarine Alison Marchant:

"This second stage of the Barwon Heads Road Upgrade will enhance road safety and connectivity for the growing community that relies on these roads daily."

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