$6M Boost for ACT-Federal Pact to End Gender Violence

Joint with:

The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP

Minister for Social Services

Minister for National Disability Insurance Scheme

Dr Marisa Paterson MLA

ACT Minister for the Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence

Member for Murrumbidgee

The Albanese Labor Government has reaffirmed its commitment to ending gender-based violence in the nation's capital through the renewed five-year National Partnership Agreement on Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Responses (FDSV National Partnership).

Under the National Partnership the ACT will receive an additional $6.1 million in funding from the Commonwealth, commencing from 1 July 2025, to respond to FDSV.

This brings the total allocation of National Partnership funding to $14.6 million for the ACT since 2022.

Minister for Social Services, Amanda Rishworth, said the ongoing investment is crucial to meeting the goals of the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032.

"Ending gender-based violence in one generation will only happen if all governments across the country work together in partnership and focus our efforts," Minster Rishworth said.

"Longer-term funding recognises the complex, behaviour-shifting work that needs to be done, and demonstrates our shared commitment to ACT victim-survivors and the FDSV services that support them.

"Governments, providers and communities all have a role to play in building a future free from gender-based violence."

Across all jurisdictions, the renewed National Partnership will deliver over $700 million in new, matched investments from the Commonwealth and states and territories, supporting frontline FDSV services, including specialist services for women and children impacted by FDSV, and men's behaviour change programs.

An additional $1 million will also be utilised for an independent evaluation of the renewed FDSV National Partnership.

ACT Minister for the Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence, Dr Marisa Paterson, highlighted the significance of the funding, stating: "The ACT Government welcomes this continued partnership with the Commonwealth and is committed to addressing this critical issue."

"This funding reflects the collaboration between the Commonwealth and ACT Governments in our shared commitment to ending gender-based violence and ensuring the safety and well-being of our community," Dr Paterson concluded.

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