USA focused Gold and Lithium explorer, Hawkstone Mining Limited (ASX:HWK) (“Hawkstone”, the “Company”) is pleased to announce the remaining results from reconnaissance rock chip sampling at the Lone Pine Project, confirming the Company’s belief that the area is prospective for multiple gold mineralised zones, as part of a larger system at the Lone Pine project.
In February 2020, Hawkstone announced the acquisition of 2 patented claims over the Lone Pine vein zone, with the Company staking a further 250 claims to cover the project area. Having completed the acquisition of 4 claims covering the King Solomon Mine from Jervois Mining Ltd in August 2020, the Company is now consolidating its landholding at the well mineralised Lone Pine Gold Project with the staking of a further 18 claims.
Location and Access
The Lone Pine Gold Project is located approximately 10km west of Salmon, Idaho, USA and consists of 2 patented claims 16.77 ha (Figures 1 & 2) surrounded by a further 272 BLM lode claims covering 2,383 ha, including the 18 BLM claims in the process of staking referenced in this announcement.
The Project lies 16km and 8km east respectively of the Arnett Creek and Beartrack mines operated/explored by Revival Gold Inc., 5km west of the historic Queen of the Hills mine and now includes the King Solomon Mine (Morning Glory Project) acquired from Jervois Mining Ltd.