The council's 2020/21 fire inspections program has been a resounding success with 80% overall compliance with Fire Prevention Notices issued achieved. During the program council officers inspected private properties within townships across the whole shire to identify fire risks and issued notices on any properties deemed to pose a potential fire risk to life or property with instructions to clean up the property in question.
Property owners in the townships of Halls Gap, Navarre and Glenorchy should be particularly proud, achieving 100% compliance with notices issued by undertaking works to prepare their properties and to do their part to reduce the risk of fire in their townships and surrounding districts.
Council asks that the community keeps up the good work to maintain their properties all year round which will make it more manageable leading up to the next fire season. One of the best ways to reduce the risk of bushfire reaching structures such as houses is by mowing or slashing grass and weeds and removing rubbish and garden waste.