A-Positive Arrest After Blood Van Theft

Police have charged a man after a blood transportation van was allegedly stolen last night.

It is alleged the man stole the pathology vehicle, that was transporting blood donations, from Elgar Road in Box Hill about 8pm.

The vehicle allegedly fled the scene and circulated main arterioles in the Richmond area.

The driver allegedly felt the pressure and dumped the moving vehicle on Bridge Road about 9pm.

The van rolled and crashed into raised concrete at a tram stop.

There were no injuries and the blood donations were not compromised.

Officers with their fingers on the pulse swiftly moved in.

The alleged driver attempted, in-vein, to flee on foot and was soon allegedly caught red-faced.

A 28-year-old Box Hill man was arrested and charged with theft of a motor vehicle and wilful damage.

He was bailed to appear at Ringwood Magistrates' Court on 2 June.

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