The Premier's so-called "disloyalty ban" is already under attack, with arch conservative Eric Abetz caught out making threats to quit the Cabinet and destabilise the Parliament if the Premier sticks to his guns on conversion therapy.
Earlier this month, attendees at an Australian Christian Lobby forum were told by Mr Abetz that he would quit the cabinet and cross the floor if a ban on conversion therapy was supported by the Liberals.
The problem is that his leader, Jeremy Rockliff, has already committed to the legislation. In fact, he released the legislation late last year.
He has not even been elected and Abetz is already publicly challenging Mr Rockliff's leadership.
With Abetz in the fold, Mr Rockliff will stand no chance in keeping the conservative forces at bay, and who knows what will come next. Are our dying with dignity laws at risk? Will he move to make abortion services more difficult to access?
Mr Abetz has been gagged by Mr Rockliff, even being forbidden from taking his usual slots on Sky News. But that won't last after the election.
Will the Premier really force the resignation of Eric Abetz if he decides to speak out over these issues? Or is the "disloyalty ban" just another pointless stunt from a desperate Premier?
Dean Winter MP