Aboriginal Advisory Body Shapes WA Education Future

  • 10 inaugural Aboriginal Advisory Body members appointed to provide independent advice to Minister for Education and Director General
  • Members are Aboriginal people with extensive education and leadership experience
  • Shared decision-making will strengthen the wellbeing, engagement and achievement of Aboriginal students in public schools

The Cook Government today announced the appointment of 10 Aboriginal people to the State's first system-level Aboriginal Advisory Body to advise on the Department's progress towards reconciliation and creating a culturally responsive education system.

The Aboriginal Advisory Body will provide independent advice to the Minister for Education and Director General and will inform the strategic and cultural change required to strengthen education outcomes for Aboriginal students.

This will include supporting the creation of learning environments where Aboriginal students can succeed, where their cultural identity, wellbeing and engagement are at the centre of their learning experience, and where culture can thrive.

The 10 appointed members of the Aboriginal Advisory Body are:

Mrs Latoya Bolton-Black Operations Manager at Glass Jar Australia, which supports young Aboriginal girls' wellbeing and engagement in their schooling. Also has previous board experience in education.

Ms Daniella Borg worked in public education for 19 years and is currently employed with CSIRO as an Academic Coordinator for Young Indigenous Women in STEM.

Dr Lillian (Lilly) Brown Executive Director of First Nations Wellbeing and Engagement at headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation, and previously worked in tertiary education.

Mr Dylan Collard has worked in various roles in education, including teaching, and is currently a Noongar Language Teacher in community.

Mr Tyronne Garstone Chief Executive Officer of the Kimberley Land Council and has board experience in Aboriginal business and employment, community empowerment, health, media and environment.

Ms Regina (Gina) Hill Executive Director of Strategic Reform at the WA Department of Justice and has board experience at a State and whole-of-government level.

Mr Anthony (Tony) Lee is a member of a number of boards in the areas of education, training, Native Title and Indigenous business and has worked in Aboriginal consultancy.

Ms Shannon McNeair Psychologist and Director at McNeair Aboriginal Psychological Services and has worked in child protection, health and WA Police.

Ms Tamara Murdock Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Head of Strategy at Aurora Education Foundation and has previously engaged in consultancy work for Nous Group.

Mr Stephen (Bart) Pigram Owner-Operator at Narlijia Experiences Broome and has worked in education and in consultancy roles with schools.

As stated by Education Minister Dr Tony Buti:

"As the Minister for both Education and Aboriginal Affairs, I am excited about the creation of this new advisory body and congratulate each of the members who have been appointed.

"Their knowledge and experience will ensure that cultural identity is at the centre of a student's learning experience in Western Australia's public schools, and that culture thrives to reflect the aspirations of Aboriginal families and students.

"This is an important step towards strengthening the Department's connection with the Aboriginal community and I look forward to seeing, and being a part of, the transformative work to come."

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