Inspections during construction are important, they ensure compliance with development consent conditions and Subdivision Works Certificates and ensure the engineering works meet the proper standards.
Inspections and Quality Assurance
The Contractor is responsible for developing and submitting Inspection and Test Plan(s) (ITP) for its work on the project for approval prior to starting work. The Contractor shall arrange all inspections as required by the ITP(s) and obtain signatures.
The Superintendent and Council are separately responsible for attending and signing off (or requiring rectification) of all inspections as per the ITP(s) and requirements of this clause. The Superintendent is responsible for monitoring progress of the ITP(s) and verifying all inspections are signed and lodged with the Principal Certifier prior to handover of assets.
All works are to be carried out in accordance with Council's technical specifications for civil engineering works.
PCA contract agreement will need to be lodged via the NSW Planning Portal
Link to Notice of Commencement Civil Development Works
Witness and hold point inspection
Type of inspection
Driveways inspections: If culvert – prior to backfill, Pavement/subgrade prior to sealing/concrete, complete with verge restored.
Subdivision/Civil Works inspections: Traffic controls, Environmental controls, Clearing and grubbing, Earthworks, Subgrade, Pavement sub-base, Pavement base-course
Sealing, Concrete works, Stormwater pits, pipes, subsoil , Landscaping.
Arranging an inspection
It is your responsibility to give your principal contractor a list of the inspections that are required by your Principal Certifying Authority, and as your construction reaches different inspection stages either you, or your principal contractor, will need to contact the Principal Certifying Authority.
Depending on the type of development being constructed and how it is being constructed your Principal Certifying Authority may be able to carry out two or more of the required inspections at the same time. If Council is your Principal Certifying Authority you will need to:
Contact Council's Development support services team on (02) 6499 2209 to arrange an inspection or book online (either you or your principal contractor) 48 hours before the inspection is required.
Specify the type of inspection and address of the property to be inspected, as well as the Development application number.
Make sure you have your stamped plans onsite (they should be available on site throughout construction)
What if the work doesn't pass inspection?
Should the inspection be found to be defective, you will be required to fix the fault and arrange for a re-inspection of works prior to proceeding to the next stage of construction.
Final inspections
When the whole of the work is completed, a final inspection needs to be carried out to the satisfaction of your Principal Certifying Authority, and a Practical Certificate of Completion will be issued by the Principal Certifying Authority verifying that the work is completed in accordance with your development consent and engineering standards.