Abstracts are now being called for the Louis Barnett Research Prize. The prize, valued at $2,500, is open to all Aotearoa New Zealand-based Trainees and all Aotearoa New Zealand-based Fellows who are within five years of being awarded Fellowship as at 31 August 2021.
The deadline for abstracts is 5pm Friday 30 July 2021.
Entrants' research may have been done within or outside New Zealand, within or outside a department of surgery, or before or after commencement of surgical training.
Finalists will present their papers at the RACS Aotearoa New Zealand Annual Surgical Meeting, Surgery 2021, which is being held at the Millennium Hotel, Queenstown on 2-3 September 2021.
The Louis Barnett Research Prize was established by the New Zealand Committee of the College in 1962 and has been awarded over the years to many prestigious New Zealand surgeons. It commemorates Sir Louis Barnett CMG, the first New Zealander to become President of this College.
Sir Louis was the first New Zealander to gain a Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and he was instrumental in the formation of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and in 1927, at the College's first meeting which was held in Dunedin, he was elected the first Vice-President. He became President of the College from 1937 - 1939.
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