The ACCC has today published data detailing the National Broadband Network's (NBN) service quality and network performance, as mandated by a new Record Keeping Rule.
These quarterly datasets will offer insights into the quality of NBN services including connection times, fault rectification, appointment keeping, and the extent of planned and emergency network outages.
"By sharing these insights regularly, we aim to keep the public informed about the service quality they can expect when using the NBN," ACCC Commissioner Anna Brakey said.
"Over time, we will highlight areas where households and businesses are receiving good service quality and areas where there are opportunities for improvement by NBN Co."
"This will provide incentives for NBN Co and retail service providers to improve service quality and expand the range of offers that retailers can make, which is a win for consumers," Ms Brakey said.
The dataset published today is for the quarter ending September 2024. Key takeouts from this quarter indicate that:
- Most service orders were completed and service faults restored within one business day of acceptance of the work request due to increased automation that has been introduced by NBN Co.
- NBN Co connects a very high percentage of services within the timeframes allowed by its current service standards. However, this percentage reduces when the data only relates to connections used for the supply of a standard telephone service, where faster timeframes apply.
- Most of the reported outages were for planned maintenance or upgrade work, rather than for emergency outages. The proportion of outages on the HFC network was relatively high compared to the proportion of services that use this network type. Outages attributable to third parties such as electricity utilities are not included in this data set.
- A relatively small number of households or businesses are connected to copper lines that NBN Co has identified as needing out-of-the-ordinary network improvement work for the lines to meet minimum standards. NBN Co's current target allows it up to 18 months to fix these problem lines.
"NBN Co is currently consulting with the public on proposed improvements to its current service standards consistent with service quality aspects that are most valued by consumers. The dataset that we have published today would likely allow stakeholders to better engage in NBN Co's consultation," Ms Brakey said.
The next dataset will relate to the quarter ending December 2024 and will be published later this month.
On 5 April 2024, the ACCC published a record keeping rule (RKR) and explanatory statement for NBN Co's service quality and network performance. The RKR was subsequently amended in October 2024.
This RKR requires NBN Co to collect data relating to National Broadband Network service quality and network performance. NBN Co is required to report this data to the ACCC.
The RKR commenced on 1 July 2024 with quarterly reporting required for the September 2024 quarter onwards.
The RKR resulted from previous ACCC work relating to service quality levels and issues on the NBN, including the ACCC's inquiry into NBN Co's wholesale service standards.
The inquiry found that improvements in NBN Co's reporting to retail service providers would assist them to better manage end-user expectations. It also found that improved reporting on service level metrics would provide an incentive for NBN Co to improve its performance and result in better end-user outcomes over time.
More recently, there was a need for improved regulatory oversight and public transparency relating to NBN Co's service quality identified during the ACCC's 2023 review of NBN Co's Special Access Undertaking (SAU) variation.
The varied SAU, which the ACCC accepted in October 2023, included commitments from NBN Co for regular and expanded operational reporting on its service quality performance to its retail service providers. It also included greater public reporting on the outcomes of its annual Service Improvement Plans and Performance Reviews.