ACT Investigating Possible Presence Of Avian Influenza

The ACT Government is currently investigating a suspect case of Avian influenza (bird flu).

"The ACT Government is engaging with egg producers in the ACT on good biosecurity practices to decrease the risks of a broader outbreak," said Minister for the Environment, Rebecca Vassarotti.

"I would like to reassure the Canberra community that the Avian influenza virus is a low risk to the public. Transmission to humans is very rare, and unlikely unless there is direct and close contact with sick birds.

"Further, Avian influenza is not a food safety concern and it is safe to eat properly handled and cooked poultry meat, eggs and egg products.

"Importantly, the current H7 outbreaks in Australia are not the same as the high pathogenicity avian influenza H5 strains that are of concern overseas.

"We are working closely with colleagues in NSW, and I particularly thank the NSW Minister for Agriculture, the Honourable Tara Moriarty, for her offer of assistance as we respond to this issue and the collaborative approach being taken to deal with this biosecurity issue.

"As further updates are confirmed I will provide further information to the community and local industry," said Ms Vassarotti.

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