Six local emergency service members have been recognised for their contributions to the Canberra community, with each receiving an ACT Community Protection Medal at a ceremony today.
The Community Protection Medal was established in 2002 to acknowledge police and emergency services members who have made sustained and distinguished or outstanding service to the community.
The medals are awarded each year, with Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services, Dr Marisa Paterson presenting medals to the recipients during a ceremony at Regatta Point today.
Minister Paterson said that these six recipients embodied the best of our emergency service staff and volunteers.
"I'm deeply impressed by the unwavering dedication of the people in these agencies in ensuring the safety and well-being of our community," said Dr. Paterson.
"Today's award recipients are being acknowledged for their excellence in training, response, membership, and health and wellbeing, and they should all should be very proud of their work."
"They are true examples of the outstanding individuals within our emergency services. In times of crisis, they are the people who step up. We have seen this recently with our personnel heading to Queensland."
"We also extend our gratitude to the families for their ongoing support. The commitment, the deployments, and the overnight and public holiday shifts is what allows us to live in a safe and secure city."
"To the six award recipients, on behalf of the ACT community and the ACT Government, we extend our heartfelt congratulations and thank you for your service."
The six recipients of the 2024 ACT Community Protection Medal are:
Michael Caldwell, ACT Ambulance Service
In recognition of his commitment to the provision and improvement of professional pre-hospital emergency services within the ACT Ambulance Service Communication Centre. During his 14-year career with the Service, Michael has progressed through the Communications Centre as a call taker, to now being the Coordination Officer. His leadership and experience has assisted in building the knowledge of the team around him, ensuring the Canberra community have call-takers who can respond effectively in times of need.
Commander Guy Cassis, ACT Fire and Rescue
In recognition of his distinguished and outstanding contribution to community safety through the awareness and promotion of firefighter health, safety and wellbeing. Throughout his 22-year career, Commander Cassis has dedicated his time, over and above that required of his regular duties, to develop and improve process and procedure around firefighter safety, including being a Peer Support Officer and Health and Safety Representative.
Mr Colin Dawes, ACT Emergency Services Agency
In recognition of his leadership within ESA for almost 20 years. Whether an emergency event or day-to-day operations, Colin consistently provides outstanding service, working tirelessly to deliver aid and support to the Services as they respond and help the community. During the most recent emergency events of fire, smoke, storm, and the pandemic, Colin proved himself to be an adaptable, reliable, competent, and compassionate leader, colleague, and mentor.
Detective Sergeant Lauren Gilliland, ACT Policing
In recognition of her sustained distinguished and outstanding service to the ACT community over the past 15 years as an extremely highly regarded and effective police officer, instructor, mentor, and role model. Detective Sergeant Gilliland's work has revolutionised the delivery of training and investigations into sexual offences and child abuse in the ACT and is now recognised internationally as best practice. Detective Sergeant Gilliland has had a major positive contribution to the lives of numerous victims in Canberra and is an exemplary police officer in every regard.
Commander Adam Hartnett, ACT State Emergency Service
Adam has significantly increased membership participation and ensured robust ready team for emergency callouts. His active participation in all aspects of the SES, from frontline operations to training and community engagement exemplifies his commitment to service. Adam has fostered a culture of preparedness and resilience, ensuring his team is always ready to provide critical assistance to the ACT community during storms, floods and land searches.
Ms Nicola Lewis, ACT Rural Fire Service
In recognition of her sustained service to training and recruitment across the ACT Rural Fire Service. For the past 15 years Nicola has provided outstanding service to individual and collective training, recruitment, and provided administration and operational support to the Service. During her service, Nicola has served as the Gungahlin Brigade Training Coordinator and has coordinated 10 firefighter courses. She has also been the lead assessor across courses and her knowledge and wisdom will shape the next generation of firefighters within the ACT Community.