Five nature reserves across the ACT will be formally closed under the Nature Conservation Act 2014 from 24 October to 15 December 2023 while the ACT Government conducts rabbit control programs.
Rabbit control is key part of the ACT's land management and conservation programs and helps to protect the ACT's high value conservation areas and native threatened species within.
Assistant Director of Invasive Animals and Overabundant Wildlife Mark Sweaney said rabbits are one of the most destructive invasive species in Australia as they reduce the regeneration of native plants through grazing and the ringbarking of saplings.
"Rabbits have contributed to the extinction of many native plant and animal species. Rabbits compete with native wildlife and feed on native grasses, plants and shrubs that provide habitat and prevent soil erosion," Mr Sweaney said.
"Grazing by rabbits threatens the survival of native birds, mammals, and insects that rely on plants for food and shelter.
"If left uncontrolled, rabbits will further invade surrounding land including back yards, causing more damage to the environment and private property."
Rabbits are a declared a pest under the Pest Plants and Animals Act 2005. Thermal assisted shooting will be carried out by experienced contractors complemented by suitably experienced and trained Conservation Officers as one of the control methods in these reserves.
The following reserve closures will be in place from 24 October to allowrabbit control operations to be carried out safety and effectively.
Reserves closed |
Area |
Closure period |
Days and times |
Times |
Red Hill |
Entire reserve |
24 October to 15 December |
Tuesday and Thursday |
8:30pm to 4am |
Mt Ainslie |
Entire Reserve |
24 October to 15 December |
Tuesday |
8:30pm to 4am |
Mt Majura |
Entire reserve |
24 October to 15 December |
Tuesday |
8:30pm to 4am |
Mt Pleasant |
Entire reserve |
24 October to 15 December |
Tuesday |
8:30pm to 4am |
Percival Hill |
Entire reserve |
24 October to 15 December |
Tuesday |
8:30pm to 4am |
Rabbit control programs in the ACT have received a boost with an additional $300,000 allocated in the ACT Budget 2022-23