Action Urged: Prioritize Healthcare for Kids in Care

Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare (CFECFW)

The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare urges government action

The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare (the Centre) is calling on the Australian Government to prioritise healthcare access for children in out-of-home care. With the Australian Federal Budget set for March and the next federal election in May, now is the time for bipartisan action to ensure children in care receive the medical and therapeutic support they need.

"We have many amazing young people in care with huge potential, but they're not set up for success," said Deb Tsorbaris, chief executive of the Centre. "Young people and workers tell us that access to health and education assessments is a huge disadvantage."

"Children and young people in out-of-home care face significantly higher physical, mental, and developmental health challenges than their peers, yet, many struggle to access the healthcare they require, leading to long-term chronic conditions, particularly in rural and regional areas where primary healthcare services are limited."

The Centre has joined Families Australia and the National Foster Care Sustainability Group in calling for a Gold Card for children in out-of-home care - a dedicated healthcare access card ensuring priority medical, therapeutic, and developmental support until the age of 21.

Research from the Centre for Community Child Health in 2022 revealed that among young people with lived experience of out-of-home care, 33% had a long-term physical health condition, with over half reported worsening symptoms during COVID-19 lockdowns. 48% had a long-term mental health condition, with 83% stating their condition deteriorated during the pandemic. Many aged out of eligibility for critical healthcare services without transition plans in place. [1]

"A Gold Card would provide consistency in healthcare access, ensuring children in care get the support they need, when they need it," said Tsorbaris. "We have successful models in place, like the Veterans' Gold Card, that demonstrate the impact of prioritised healthcare. Now, we must extend that same level of care to our most vulnerable children."

A 2022 study of over 6,000 children in foster or kinship care found that only 41 children had attended all their recommended health check-ups.[2] The Victorian Government has invested $37.8 million in targeted health programs for children in care, but more needs to be done nationally.

"Programs like Victoria's Pathway to Good Health and Tasmania's Kids Care Clinics have made significant strides, but children in care deserve a consistent, nationwide approach," said Tsorbaris. "A Gold Card would ensure every child in care has access to timely health assessments, specialist services, and ongoing medical support."

Between one-third and one-half of children in care have a disability, yet many enter the system undiagnosed. Foster carers struggle to access financial, emotional, and practical support for children with additional needs. Meanwhile, public system waitlists for paediatric, dental, and specialist services leave many children without critical care.

"Children in care are more likely to experience undiagnosed disabilities and mental health challenges," said Tsorbaris. "Without early diagnosis and intervention, they face compounding barriers to health, education, and independence. A Gold Card would streamline access to specialist services, including the NDIS, and remove the burden of navigating complex healthcare systems from children and their carers."

The upcoming Federal Budget and election cycle provide a crucial window for action. The Centre's 2025-26 Federal Budget submission calls for a Gold Card for children in care to ensure priority healthcare access until age 21, a national system for streamlined healthcare access and payments for children with complex medical and developmental needs, increased investment in trauma-informed paediatric healthcare to support children with care experience, and better record-keeping and health navigation services to ensure continuity of care, even when children move placements.

"We know the gaps between children in care and their peers in education and health are well-documented," said Tsorbaris. "It's time for federal and state governments to step up with a national approach that guarantees children in care the health support they need to thrive."

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