ActionAid Hails Historic ICJ Judgment


ActionAid welcomes the historic judgment of the court, which has declared that the Israeli Government's continued occupation of the Palestinian territory is unlawful.

The ICJ concluded that Israel's treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territory constitutes systematic discrimination, and that its legislation and measures in the West Bank and East Jerusalem breach international conventions which prohibit apartheid. Every single day, our colleagues, partners and the people we support across the occupied Palestinian territory experience the trauma of living under a brutal occupation that severely curtails their basic rights and freedoms – just because they are Palestinian – and results in effective military control over all aspects of their lives.

Today's verdict affirms the fundamental right of Palestinians to self-determination and to live free from violence and discrimination, which has been denied them for far too long. The court has concluded that the Israeli government must end its unlawful presence in the occupied Palestinian territory, cease all settlement activity – which it judged to be in breach of international law – and make reparations to the Palestinians affected.

ActionAid Australia Executive Director Michelle Higelin said:

"ActionAid welcomes this historic ruling and its acknowledgement of almost sixty years of horrific injustice," said Ms Higelin.

"The ICJ's opinion upholds the Palestinian people's fundamental right to self-determination, and freedom from colonial oppression and racial segregation.

"The Court's findings are wide-reaching and outline obligations not only for Israel, but for all countries.

"The world's governments must uphold this opinion, and we call on the Australian Government to lead by example in accepting its findings.

"The Court has found that countries party to the Geneva Conventions, including Australia, have an obligation to hold Israel to account for its breaches of international law.

"The Court has found countries have an obligation not to recognise Israel's occupation as legal, nor "render aid or assistance".

"Australia, and all countries, should end any and all cooperation with Israel that could be used to support its illegal presence in Palestine – especially the supply of arms.

"It is clear: Israel's illegal occupation must urgently come to an end, and reparations should be paid.

"We call on Israel in this moment to respect international law. It must recognise and respect the rights of people in Palestine as a pathway to sustainable peace," said Ms Higelin.

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