Active Transport Boost For Katherine

Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

Residents of Katherine will have more opportunities to walk or cycle through their community thanks to funding from the Albanese Government.

The Katherine Town Council will receive $756,000 under the government's Active Transport Fund to build the Zimin Drive Shared Pathway.

The project will see the construction of a 2.4-metre wide, 5.7 kilometre-long, shared bicycle and pedestrian sealed pathway along Zimin Drive.

This will provide a safer, healthier travel option between the Stuart and Victoria Highways, looping around Katherine South.

The Albanese Government is making our cities and regions even better places to live, building social infrastructure, connecting place and designing healthier, more liveable towns.

Our new Active Transport Fund is one part of this, providing safe and accessible transport options that are good for the planet and good for ourselves.

The Active Transport Fund supports the government's commitment to invest in infrastructure planning, design and construction that improves safety outcomes for vulnerable road users under the National Road and Safety Strategy 2021-2030.

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