Activists Slam Activist Attacks

The state's peak farm body has condemned activist attacks targeting livestock carriers across southern NSW.

At least two livestock trailers have been vandalised in Wagga Wagga and Goulburn in recent days, with an underground international activist group allegedly responsible for the attacks.

NSW Farmers Board Member Alan Brown said the crimes were a scrouge on Australian agriculture and those responsible must be brought to justice immediately.

"This is disgraceful behaviour and it's clear these activists have no respect for the law," Mr Brown said.

"We strongly condemn these acts, and we will support any farmer who has been impacted by this senselessness.

"If these activists had any backbone, they would come and talk to us, so we could tell them how we safely and ethically produce livestock here in Australia. But instead they seem hell bent on causing crime, chaos and fear, rather than finding the facts."

In the wake of the attacks, Mr Brown called on all levels of government to undertake immediate action to protect farmers from increasingly dangerous activist tactics.

"This behaviour is extreme, illegal and must be stopped in its tracks before anyone ‒ or any animals ‒ get hurt," Mr Brown said.

"These activist groups don't know the first thing about animals or farming, and their activities pose a huge risk to everyone in the agricultural industry.

"Our governments have a duty to protect their people - so it's critical they do everything in their power to ensure attacks like this never happen again."

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