Young people right across the Territory will have their choice of more than 1000 free, fun and safe activities over the Central summer and Top End wet season school holidays.
Local youth, sports and community organisations will provide free activities and programs for young people and families, including youth festivals, splash parties, creative arts, skills development workshops, disco nights, sports and fitness programs, hip hop and music, and other initiatives including cultural and bush trips for remote communities in Central Australia.
Activities and events will take place around the Territory in every region from Friday 15 December 2023 to Monday 29 January 2024, with more activities expected to be added to the already jam-packed calendar in coming weeks.
The Northern Territory Government has provided more than $125,000 to almost 30 organisations across the Territory to deliver school holiday activities until mid-year 2024.
The funding is provided through the 2023-24 Youth Vibe Holiday Grants for the delivery of school holiday activities over school holiday periods.
In addition to the Youth Vibe Holiday Grant, annual funding of more than $3 million from the Northern Territory Government is provided through the Quick Response Grants, NT Youth Week Grants and the Regional Youth Activities Grants programs, part of which is used for school holiday activities.
Central Australia will offer free transport for young people in 20 communities, Darwin and Palmerston will offer over 300 activities along with drop in spaces to hang out, and East Arnhem youth will be able to sit around a bonfire with Elders in a yarning session.
While most of the activities are free, there are a very small number of activities that run at a low cost. Some activities require booking in advance so get online and don't miss out!
Find out what is happening in your region by visiting here
Quotes attributable to Minister for Youth, Seniors and Equality, Ngaree Ah Kit:
"We are pleased to see such a jam-packed calendar of events for the forthcoming school holidays to provide engaging, fun and mostly free activities.
"Our young people have worked hard throughout the year and are looking forward to a break to hang out with friends, gain new experiences and prepare for their next school year, or post-school future.
"There will be a wide range of activities in Darwin, Palmerston, Darwin's rural area, East Arnhem, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs that will all play their part in keeping young people engaged and busy throughout the holidays.
"The Territory Labor Government is proud to invest in a program that has something for everyone and will engage and support young people, including those at risk and experiencing vulnerability."
Northern Territory Government