The General Activities No 2 and the Associated Direction No 3 declares the State of South Australia is subject to Level 5 Stay at Home restrictions. Activities Direction came into effect at 9.18pm on Tuesday 20 July 2021. The Associated Activities Direction came into effect at 9.20pm on Tuesday 20 July 2021.
Community activities including business, professional, educational, and academic and government activities must not be undertaken unless otherwise stated below.
People Must:
- Go home as soon as practicable once the stay at home restrictions are in place. A person has 24hrs to get home but must do so as soon as practicable. Where people usually transit between two or more homes they must choose one residential premises and remain at that one place.
- Must travel the most direct and practical route and means when leaving the house for any essential reason. Note people can use public transport to do so.
- Reside at their usual place of residence for the stay at home period.
- Wear a mask covering their nose and mouth when in public places.
- Only leave their house for essential reasons including as an essential worker.
- Work from home where possible.
Reasons to Leave Home:
Authorised Worker (otherwise known as an essential worker)
- A person is permitted to leave home to undertake duties as an authorised worker. IMPORTANT the list of authorised workers has been updated since this morning. For the full list of authorised workers visit:
For Essential Goods or Services
- Only one person per household per day may leave the premises for obtaining Essential goods or services.
- A person may be accompanied by a dependant or a person for who they provide care for if it is not practical that they stay at home.
- A person is permitted to leave home once a day for the purpose of obtaining Essential goods or services only from the following places:
- A grocery store, supermarket, butcher, bakery, fruit and vegetable store or fishmonger;
- An indoor or outdoor market (but only to obtain groceries or fresh food and not for the purposes of the purchase or consumption of food or beverages prepared on site);
- A restaurant, café, bar, hotel, club or winery but only for the purposes of obtaining takeaway food or beverages;
- A bottle shop or tobacconist;
- A financial institution;
- Consular and diplomatic services;
- A post office;
- A newsagency;
- A pharmacy;
- A hardware store;
- A petrol station;
- Vehicle and mechanical repair services;
- A distribution centre;
- A pet store or veterinary clinic;
- Urgent services necessary for the health and safety of any person, animal or premises; and/or
- Premises collect online or phone retail orders.
***IMPORTANT- People must only attend the above places to obtain an ESSENTIAL service or for an ESSENTIAL reason.
For Care and Compassionate Reasons:
- For shared parenting arrangement (court or otherwise);
- To provide care and support to relative or other person who has needs because of homelessness, age, infirmity, disability, illness or chronic health condition or other health reasons including mental health or pregnancy
- To escape harm or risk of harm, including domestic violence;
- To provide end of life support to immediate family;
- Provide child minding assistance so parent or guardian can leave as an authorised worker or other defined reason; and/or
- To supply food to, and care and exercise of, animals situated from home if no one is available to provide this to them.
To Exercise
- To exercise (including walking a pet animal) provided it is not for longer than 90 mins and no further than 2.5km of:
- person's home and is only with people who live with them; or
- person's work place if they are an authorised worker. Can only be done before, after or during work hours.
- Masks are not required while the person is undertaking outdoor exercise (other than walking).
Additional Reasons to leave home:
- To obtain essential health services;
- To obtain a COVID-19 vaccination;
- To undergo a COVID-19 test;
- To access childcare services, or primary or secondary education for a child if:
- The child is a child of an authorised worker; or
- The child resides in the care of the State; or
- There are circumstances of vulnerability determined by a government agency, school, funded family or family violence service, or early childhood education and care provider where education or care outside the family home is considered necessary.
- For an emergency or on a severe or higher fire rating day in their area;
- To comply with legal requirements attending police station or court;
- To donate blood or other blood related products; and/or
- To enter another state or territory if permitted by the entering place, or to leave Australia if permitted.
Masks must be worn in the following locations:
- passenger transport services
- public places
- health care services
- high risk settings
Masks must cover the nose and mouth.
Masks are not required:
- At a primary or secondary school (including in relation to staff at the school)
- While the person is undertaking outdoor exercise (other than walking).
- People participating in proceedings in court or tribunal must remove their mask as directed by the court or tribunal
- When working at an office building, unless the person's work involves face-to-face interaction with members of the public.
People are not required to wear a mask if they are under the age of 12 years, if they have a relevant medical condition, the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication, the removal is required for ID purposes, when a person is eating or drinking, or are carrying out functions as an authorised worker.
Contact Tracing System and Records:
- Members of the public must sign in using the approved COVID SAfe Check-In system when entering a relevant public place.
- The use of QR Codes are vital in stopping the spread of COVID-19 within the South Australian community.
- Members of the public are reminded that they are required under the Direction to ensure their details are captured by the relevant system.
Density and Physical Distancing:
- The density requirements of 1 person per 4 square metres still apply at places that are permitted to remain open as above.
- People must use their best endeavours to maintain physical distancing and remain 1.5m from people they do not know.
Members of the public are reminded that other requirements in relation to COVID Management/Safe Plans, COVID Marshals, QR Codes and Physical Distancing still apply.
For all existing Directions, tables and frequently asked questions and other information can be found here:
If you require further information you can call the SA COVID-19 Information Line on 1800 253 787 between the hours of 9am to 5pm 7 days per week or go to the SA Health website at or