ADF Returns to Solomons for Survey Mission

Department of Defence

Australian Defence Vessel (ADV) Reliant deployed to Solomon Islands recently for vital survey work, reinforcing Australia's longstanding commitment to the Pacific.

In her first deployment this year, Reliant embarked with a crew including members of 12 Chief Engineer Works (12CEW) and the Littoral Riverine Survey Squadron (LRSS), from the Australian Army's 17 Sustainment Brigade.

Personnel from 12CEW and LRSS conducted survey operations in support of a joint Australian-Solomon Islands project to complete construction of an eastern border outpost in Vanikoro.

In one of the most challenging areas they surveyed, 12CEW project lead Captain Oliver Phillips said the outpost would strengthen Solomon Islands' multi-agency border security and maritime surveillance.

"It will also provide support to disaster relief occurrences, and will bolster logistic support to Temotu Province," Captain Phillips said.

"It's rewarding to see the final surveys being conducted after ADV Reliant first commenced support to this task two years ago."

Personnel also inspected the construction of key government buildings, including the National Disaster Management Office in Lata.

Indo-Pacific Infrastructure Branch project officer Captain Cameron Rue said, as Vanikoro was in the eastern-most part of the country, it was vital to Solomon Islands Government's trade links to Vanuatu and the wider Pacific.

"In addition to trade links, the Eastern Border Outpost is critical for Solomon Islands' protection of sovereign borders," Captain Rue said.

Reliant also conducted a port visit to Honiara, where she delivered three aluminium long boats to be fitted out before being given to the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force later this year.

The boats will replace the current fleet to enhance the capability of Solomon Islands police.

Reliant will continue her patrol through the Pacific region before returning home to port later this month.

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