The Johns Hopkins University's COVID-19 tracking map, which has become a vital worldwide resource, has launched an updated dashboard to report coronavirus cases for every city and county in the United States.
The Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 tracking map now reports U.S. data by city and county.
The points on the U.S. map now display the numbers of confirmed cases and fatalities for each local jurisdiction in an effort to best inform the public and to aid health care and emergency workers responding to the crisis.
State information continues to be available through the vertical country column on the left side of the map. With "U.S." selected, the tabs at the bottom of the column contain state (Admin2 tab) and local information (Admin3 tab).
In addition, the chart in the lower right of the dashboard now provides a time series illustrating the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases over time for each selected country.
The Johns Hopkins team from the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at the Whiting School of Engineering say the upgraded dashboard will allow for adding features later that will deliver broader insights about the pandemic. All of the underlying data continues to be freely provided to the public through the dashboard's GitHub layer.
The CSSE team, led by Professor Lauren Gardner, launched the dashboard in January on ESRI's mapping platform to help track the progression of the disease when it was primarily centered in China. As the virus grew into a pandemic, the dashboard became one of the most trusted and reliable sources for tracking COVID-19's spread.
The map, an FAQ, and additional resources on COVID-19 are collected at an online portal, coronavirus.jhu.edu, launched by Johns Hopkins University and Medicine.