Aerial Action Brings Buzz To Moruya

The Moruya airport was a hive of activity a couple of weeks back, with members of the Australian Aerobatic Club practicing for upcoming competitions. Pilots came from as far afield as Queensland to enjoy everything Eurobodalla has to offer.

Our airport manager Sheldon Jones welcomed the visitors, appreciating the benefits to the town's accommodation and food providers, plus collecting extra landing fees for the airport.

"It was wonderful to see the airport so active," says Sheldon.

"Each plane goes up to practice an eight-minute routine within a one-kilometre square above the airport. This is critiqued by judges on the ground. Pilots know the noise can be annoying, so they go away from the airport for the climb and only push their planes hard when they have to."

If the weather remains fine, there will be another training camp sometime in the next month. Keep your eyes on the sky!

  • This news item first appeared in Council's email newsletter Council News.
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