Aero Club Safety Manager Wins CASA Scholarship

Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Flight Safety Manager Hugh McBain from the Royal Victorian Aero Club has been named a recipient of this year's Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) Aviation Safety Manager Scholarships.

The annual CASA scholarship program is designed to enhance aviation safety in Australia and recognises the dedication of individuals who display a strong safety culture.

CASA CEO and Director of Aviation Safety, Pip Spence, says aviation safety is a shared responsibility across our industry and the role of safety managers is absolutely crucial to ensuring we maintain and improve our safety record.

'I congratulate Hugh on receiving the $5,000 scholarship and look forward to seeing the impact it has on his ongoing development in the aviation industry,' Ms Spence says.

Twenty-nine-year-old Mr McBain says being awarded the scholarship will fund further study.

'I've enrolled in a number of courses which will lead to completing a Diploma of Quality Auditing in the aviation sector,' Mr McBain says.

'Aviation is dynamic but can be inherently dangerous and it's important to me that pilots of all ages are trained to a high standard.

'As a flight instructor, I want all up-and-coming pilots to be committed to safety and ensure they are able to identify and mitigate risks.'

Hugh joins Adela Benhammouche, Nicholas Johnson and Daniel Barresi as recipients of this year's Safety Manager Scholarship.

The scholarships were first awarded in 2023 as part of CASA's broader effort to ensure aviation safety managers are well-equipped to handle the complexities of their roles and maintain robust industry safety standards.

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