Aged Care Residents Help Improve Aged Care

Department of Health

This year, around 43,000 aged care residents from homes across Australia will provide feedback on the care they receive in the annual Residents' Experience Survey.

The Residents' Experience Survey is an opportunity for residents to tell the Australian Government what it's like to live in an aged care home, including what is working and what needs to be improved.

This year's survey increases the number of residents participating, with at least 20% of residents to be surveyed at each home.

The survey holds providers to account, it shows what can be improved and helps them to make their care better. Since the survey started in 2022, about 40% of aged care homes in regional Australia showed an improvement in their survey results.

The independent survey team is trained and experienced talking with older people from diverse backgrounds, including people who speak another language, those with cultural requirements or residents living with dementia or a disability.

An interpreter and other supports can be arranged to help residents participate.

Residents are randomly selected and can choose to take part or have a family member or friend help them. The survey is held in private, without staff present, and results are anonymous.

Feedback from the survey accounts for 33 per cent of an aged care home's overall Star Rating.

If you are looking for an aged care home, understanding what people who live there think about the care they receive can help you choose the best home for you.

Use the 'Find a provider' tool on the My Aged Care website ( to get information about aged care homes, including their Residents' Experience Survey results.

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