AgForce Backs Aussie Sugar Council's Build Back Better

AgForce is in support of the Australian Sugar Milling Council (ASMC), who are calling to the Government to establish a 'build back better' agenda for the heavily impacted sugarcane rail network. A $5 million dollar relief package could help repair the cane rail network, by installing flood proofed rail signals at level crossings and critical check points in the network, as well as ensuring all road user safety.

The cane industry stands together in this time of need, with the 2025 North Queensland flood leaving a path of destruction, cane farmers have seen devastating impacts on the rail track infrastructure. Recovery grants for flood-struck cane farmers have now been approved under the Government's disaster grants, which is a huge announcement as farmers in North Queensland struggle with the aftermath of the floods.

The North Queensland 2025 flood has left approximately 75% of the sugarcane rail track infrastructure damaged. Due to the water levels only recently dropping to expose the network, there is still an extensive amount to be assessed. The bridge infrastructure assets are yet to be evaluated, with water levels only dropping in the last week, much of the network and bridges need repairing. If there is substantial damage, and from recent observations there very well could be, the cost of this repair is huge. Cane farmers are planning for the busy and unstoppable 2025 season, and a safe and functioning cane network is crucial for ensuring this essential sector has a profitable season.

With the 2025 cane season nearing, this damage has great potential to impact the season and add a significant cost to the industry. A big concern is the widespread and substantial impairment to most of the rail signal infrastructure, which has potential to shut down large parts of the network, leaving road use the only option. Frankly, the roads aren't set up to take such large quantities of cane, which could severely impact road user safety.

With Government support, cane farmers can be assured there is confidence in them to remain in business, and to continue to benefit state and local economies. As QLD's 10th largest agricultural export market, it is crucial the cane industry receives the support they need to ensure production levels remain positive for the growth of the nation.

Mills are working tirelessly to build back the rail network at the minimum viable level with the limited time frame until the sugarcane crush comes in June 2025. They are getting the job done, but a 'build back better' method would see the sugarcane industry thrive.

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