AgVic Scientist Receives GRDC Emerging Leader Award

At the recent Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) update held in Bendigo, the Emerging Leader Award was presented to Agriculture Victoria research scientist Dr Audrey Delahunty.

Dr Delahunty is based at Agriculture Victoria's Mildura SmartFarm and has worked to support the grain industry since 2019 when she started her career as a PhD student researching genetic solutions for heat tolerance in lentils.

'It is an honour and privilege to receive the award. I'm incredibly grateful to GRDC for this recognition, and for the support, mentorship and camaraderie I've received throughout my career,' Dr Delahunty said.

Dr Delahunty's research focuses on pulse agronomy, trait dissection and crop performance. Her expertise lies in advancing sustainable pulse production.

Dr Delahunty's innovative research aims to improve productivity and resilience in changing climates.

'I'm proud to contribute to the grain industry and work on research to optimise our farming systems. It's a privilege to collaborate with such dedicated people from all facets of the industry.'

Dr Delahunty has been working alongside GRDC, researchers and growers across the industry, regularly presenting her research at Grains Research Updates and events across the Wimmera and Mallee.

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