Ahmadiyya Muslims Mark Ramadan With Clean Up Day 2025

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Victoria

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Victoria actively participated in Clean Up Australia Day 2025, demonstrating their commitment to environmental sustainability and community service. Volunteers from various suburbs of Melbourne came together to contribute their time and effort towards a cleaner and greener Australia. This initiative was particularly meaningful as it took place in the blessed month of Ramadan, a time of self-purification, reflection, and increased devotion to service and charity.

A total of 143 volunteers from the community dedicated approximately 11 hours of service, collecting 28 bags of waste and significantly improving the cleanliness of multiple locations.

Impact Across Locations:

  • Melbourne West: 65 volunteers | 2.5 hours | 11 bags collected

  • Berwick: 19 volunteers | 1 hour | 9 bags collected

  • Clyde: 22 volunteers | 1.5-2 hours | 5 bags collected

  • Melbourne East: 32 volunteers | 4 hours | 3 garbage piles removed

  • Langwarrin: 5 volunteers | 1.5 hours of service

This collective effort underscores the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Victoria's dedication to social responsibility and environmental preservation. As Ramadan emphasises acts of kindness, self-discipline, and serving humanity, the participation of community members in this event reflects these core values. Through initiatives like Clean Up Australia Day, the community continues to set an example of service, unity, and care for the environment.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community remains committed to serving society through various initiatives, including environmental conservation, humanitarian aid, and public service projects.

About us:

About the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community:

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a very peaceful, law-abiding, nonviolent and loving community. Founded in 1889, the Community spans more than 200 countries with membership exceeding tens of millions. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the leading Islamic organisation to categorically reject terrorism in any form. Similarly, the Ahmadiyya Community is the only Islamic organisation to endorse a seperation of mosque and state. Today, it continues to be an advocate for universal human rights and protection for religious and other minorities. It champtions the empowerment and education of women. Its members are among the most law-abiding, educated, and engaged Muslims in the world.

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