Ai Group Statement On Retirement Of Jim McDowell

"Ai Group Defence Council wishes Jim McDowell well following the announcement of his retirement from the Australian Public Service," said Innes Willox, Chief Executive of the national employer peak body the Australian Industry Group.

"Mr McDowell has made a significant contribution to Australia's national shipbuilding capability, most recently as Deputy Secretary Naval Shipbuilding and Sustainment. We sincerely thank him for his service and his deep expertise and leadership in complex program management, which have been invaluable to both Defence and industry.

"With over 30 years' experience across the private and public sectors, Mr McDowell has played a key role in shaping Australia's defence industry," Mr Willox said.

Before joining Defence in July 2023, Mr McDowell served as CEO of Nova Systems and as Chief Executive of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet in South Australia. He has also held numerous non-executive appointments, including Chair of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation and Chancellor of the University of South Australia. From 2001, he led BAE Systems Australia as CEO, growing the company into a large defence prime with a significant workforce.

"As Australia navigates an increasingly complex strategic environment, the leadership role of Deputy Secretary Naval Shipbuilding and Sustainment remains more critical than ever. Mr McDowell's exemplary leadership, deep industry expertise, and strong engagement with stakeholders have been invaluable in driving the shipbuilding program forward," Mr Willox said.

"What we need now, in a time of great and growing strategic uncertainty, is continued leadership of Jim's calibre. Australia's shipbuilding enterprise needs leaders with strong industry experience and the ability to engage with Defence, industry and our international partners, to ensure the resilience of Australia's shipbuilding sector and to support our broader national security priorities in the years ahead."

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