- Hon Louise Upston
Minister for Social Development and Employment Louise Upston says there will be targeted help if people need to relocate for a job.
The Relocate for Work Support payment will be available from 31 March for people on a benefit who can't find a job where they currently live and need support to move to another location where they have found a job.
"We want to remove barriers for job seekers who have a suitable job offer and need to move to take it up. The need to move shouldn't be a reason not to take a job," Louise Upston says.
"Relocate for Work means we may be able to help with the travel costs for a private vehicle, airfare, bus, or ferry tickets to relocate. There's also support to shift possessions.
"We want to help New Zealanders when they need it. Getting people back into the workforce, earning money and having their own independence is something I'm committed to.
"We know there are job opportunities out there and this is another practical way we can support New Zealanders off welfare and into work," Louise Upston says.
Relocate for Work replaces the $5k to Work grant, initially introduced as '$3k to Christchurch' which helped New Zealanders relocate and support the rebuild after the Christchurch earthquakes.