Aid for Stroke Survivors' Visual Challenges

Durham University

Two people sitting at a table pointing at a page in the stroke screening booklet.

A new 15-minute tool to screen stroke survivors for visual perception problems has been launched by researchers from Durham and Oxford universities.

The free screening tool could make it easier for health professionals to identify difficulties in patients after a stroke with a quick and simple-to-administer assessment.

Undiagnosed visual problems

Up to 76 per cent of stroke survivors may have visual perception problems but the majority of these currently go undiagnosed due to the lack of easy, reliable tests.

Problems include people struggling to recognise day-to-day objects, faces and movements as well as difficulties with reading and hand-eye coordination. If problems are not spotted, it can severely impact someone's quality of life, their ability to take part in activities, their independence and can pose risks. For example, people may not recognise loved ones or it may not be safe to drive, cook meals or use the stairs.

Surveys of occupational therapists show there is a need for a standardised tool and training.

Simple test

The new test, called the Oxford Visual Perception Screen (OxVPS), is a simple paper-based set of 10 tasks which checks for a wide range of visual perception problems after brain injury. For example, patients are asked to recognise drawings of objects, faces, read a short paragraph, or draw a geometrical figure.

Although there are various other tests available, they are time-consuming to carry out, not suitable for patients with communication difficulties and only assess a limited range of visual perception functions. Health professionals therefore mostly rely on observations and self-reporting.

Free for NHS

The research team has tested the screening tool with healthy individuals as well as with stroke survivors with further testing being carried out on hospital stroke wards.

The OxVPS is already available for free for clinical use for publicly funded research and healthcare, including the NHS.

The research team hopes to continue rolling out the assessment across health professionals within the NHS, as well as identify a commercial partner to further develop the tool for the international market.

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