Aid Rushed to Mid-North, North Coast Post-Cyclone Alfred


The NSW Reconstruction Authority will launch three new Community Outreach services next week to ensure communities on the Mid North Coast and in Northern NSW continue to get the help they need after Tropical Cyclone Alfred.

Mobile Recovery Outreach services can be found at the following locations and times next week:

  • Dorrigo - Dorrigo Community Hall, 36 Hickory St, Dorrigo

    Tuesday 1 April from 10am - 4pm

  • Bellingen - Bellingen Citizens Centre, 29-31 Hyde St, Bellingen

    Thursday 3 April from 10am - 4pm

Recovery Assistance Points will also operate at the following location and time next week:

  • Chinderah - Chinderah Scout Hall, 2A Chinderah Rd, Chinderah

    Wednesday 2 April from 9am - 5pm

  • Tweed South Community Hall - Corner Heffron Street and Minjungbal Drive, South Tweed Heads

    Monday 31 March to Wednesday 2 April from 9am to 5pm

The RA has helped more than 5680 people through Recovery Assistance Points and Community Outreach at Lismore, Tweed, Ballina, Maclean, Woodburn, Kyogle, Ocean Shores, Mullumbimby, Murwillumbah, Byron Bay, Coraki, Grafton, Coutts Crossing, Wardell, Yamba, Dorrigo, Bellingen and Nana Glen.

Services available at the Community Outreach points include help with the NSW Government's Personal Hardship Assistance Payment and general recovery support.

Residents who have experienced lengthy power outages or evacuation orders are eligible for a Personal Hardship Assistance Payment of $180 for individuals and up to $900 for a family of five through Service NSW.

Service NSW has already distributed over $2 million in Personal Hardship Assistance payment to help people across the Mid North Coast and Northern NSW get back on their feet.

Anyone who needs support can visit a Community Outreach Pop Up or Service NSW Centre to apply. You can also apply online through Service NSW at;

Small businesses and primary producers in Local Government Areas included in the Natural Disaster Declaration may be eligible for concessional loans up to $130,000 and primary producers may also be eligible for transport subsidies of up to $15,000.

Applications can be made online via the Rural Assistance Authority -

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