Albanese Government Backs West Australian Manufacturer

Dept of Climate Change, Energy, Environment & Water

The Albanese Labor Government is building Australia's future with a $39.8 million investment in Australia's only silicon manufacturer, a key component of solar panels, to slash their emissions and secure the jobs of the future.

Under the Powering the Regions Fund (PRF), Simcoa Operations will receive $39.8 million to expand charcoal production at its Wellesley facility in Western Australia and remove the use of coal in silicon making.

The funding will cut emissions, maintain silicon manufacturing capability in Australia and support regional jobs across the resources heavy state.

Substituting coal with renewable charcoal will reduce Simcoa's emissions by 89 percent, or over 100,000 tonnes per year, equivalent to taking around 30,000 cars off the road.

The project provides job security for the existing 220 direct employees and creates several new roles.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen:

"The Albanese Government is building a Future Made in Australia by backing manufacturing and securing jobs that support regional communities.

"That's why we are investing in Simcoa and ensuring silicon used in solar panels and products vital for our clean energy transformation not only survives but thrives in a net zero economy.

"This investment will help industry stay in Australia to support a future of clean energy jobs and low-emissions products made right here.

"In contrast, Peter Dutton and his Coalition have no plans for Australian workers or local industry and instead are spearheading a $600 billion nuclear scheme that relies on a smaller economy."

Simcoa produces high purity silicon suitable for use in Australia and exported overseas.

The $39.8 million grant to Simcoa is part of the third batch of the PRF's $600 million Safeguard Transformation Stream, which supports decarbonisation of Australia's heavy industry covered by the Safeguard Mechanism.

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