Albanian Alpine Police Receive OSCE, Austria Training


Thirty police officers from the alpine units of Tirana, Fier and Shkodra participated in a specialized training programme in the mountains of Korça from 10 to 13 March 2025. Organized by the OSCE Presence in Albania, in close co-operation with trainers from the Austrian Federal Police, this intensive course aimed to enhance Albanian police officers' ability to navigate and operate in challenging alpine environments, ensuring the safety and security of both local communities and tourists.

Building on the foundation laid by a previous training in Theth in 2022, this programme marked another significant step in Albania's efforts to improve its law enforcement capabilities in mountainous terrains. The Theth training was a milestone in strengthening the operational readiness of Albania's alpine police and this latest session further advanced those objectives.

Austria, renowned for its expertise in alpine policing, provided highly experienced trainers who led participants through a combination of theoretical and practical exercises. Officers were trained in essential skills such as effective rescue operations, safety protocols and tactical mountain policing. The course also included rigorous endurance tests, quick-thinking drills and adaptability training for emergency situations. Participants gained hands-on experience in first aid, casualty evacuation and the use of specialized alpine equipment, including ropes and harnesses crucial for survival in extreme conditions.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, Deputy Head of Presence Clarisse Pasztory emphasized that, in co-operation with the Austrian Ministry of Interior, the OSCE Presence will continue to support further training for Albania's alpine police.

Director of the National Security Force, Hamdi Fjora, highlighted that, following a joint needs assessment with Austrian experts, a selected group of officers will undergo a training-of-trainers programme. This initiative aims to integrate alpine training into the annual curriculum of Albania's public security structures, ensuring continuous capacity-building in this field.

The activity was part of a project implemented by the OSCE Presence in Albania and funded by the Austrian government.

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