Albert Hall Upgrades To Complement Eastern Wing Works


The City of Launceston has today voted to invest in renovation works within the Albert Hall proper, while a major redevelopment of the building's Eastern Wing nears completion.

The Council today voted to invest $3.9m towards upgrades and improvements within the Albert Hall itself, in addition to the Eastern Wing works already underway.

The Eastern Wing Construction Project is nearing practical completion, with the official reopening of the entire Hall remaining on target for Spring 2025.

Following the completion of the Eastern Wing, the venue will remain closed for the Additional Works and commissioning of the venue, as well as the relocation of Theatre North.

Scope of Additional Albert Hall Works

These enhancements to Albert Hall are essential to the continued success of the venue, ensuring its sustainability and accessibility for community use.

The Additional Works planned include:

• Audio-Visual Installations and Upgrades to meet modern standards for programming and events.

• Fire Compliance upgrades for safety

• Electrical Box Upgrades in the Great Hall to accommodate advanced event needs.

• Roofing Repairs to preserve the building's structural integrity.

• Upgrades to the John Duncan Room, including ceiling work, operable walls, and lighting.

• Northern Foyer Reinstatement for improved flow and function.

• Heating and Lighting updates for meeting rooms, offices, and stairwells.

• New Signage and Wayfinding Systems for easier navigation of the venue.

• Rigging and Fly System Maintenance on stage to comply with performance requirements.

• Internal Repairs and Repainting to maintain the Hall's historic charm.

• External Cleaning of the building's facade.

• Security Upgrades

• Stage Repairs and Dance Floor Maintenance, including replacement or refurbishment of carpet and flooring.

• Reinstatement of Kitchenette and Bar Areas in the John Duncan Room, including the installation of new appliances.

• Fire Curtain Replacement for compliance in the performance space.

• Plating Kitchen Fit-out to support catering needs.

• Repainting of the Great Hall interior and stage to preserve the visual appeal of the venue.

Feedback from the community and users of this iconic venue has played a crucial role in shaping the scope of these works, ensuring that the Hall meets the needs of a diverse audience and continues to serve as an important cultural asset.

Mayor Matthew Garwood said the timing and scope of the additional works would ensure the Hall was perfectly positioned to serve as the temporary alternate venue during the refurbishment of the Princess Theatre and Earl Arts Centre.

"The successful delivery of this major project represents a significant achievement for our Council and community, allowing us to go forward and get started on our next priority project - the redevelopment of the Princess Theatre and Earl Arts Centre - in 2026," Mayor Garwood said.

"We've listened to the community and importantly, Theatre North and key stakeholders, to ensure these additional works will give us a fit-for-purpose, multi-use Hall that can be used for a myriad of performances and events usually held in the Princess Theatre for the duration of its temporary closure next year.

"The public can expect to see continued updates regarding the venue's reopening and the progression of the works, which aim to deliver a fully revitalised and modernised Albert Hall that will better serve the community for years to come."

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