Allan Labor Govt Battles to Conceal Malmsbury Escape Review

Liberal Party Victoria

The Allan Labor Government has engaged a top-tier legal firm to keep a serious prison escape review hidden.

After being denied access to the document via aFreedom of Information request, Shadow Minister for Youth Justice, Brad Battin, will today have an appeal heard in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) to have a review prepared by FBG Group - Malmsbury Escape Review, December 2022 - released for analysis.

The engagement of senior lawyers is a further example of the lengths the Allan Labor Government will go to keep flaws in their youth justice system hidden.

Shadow Minister for Youth Justice, Brad Battin, said: "This review speaks to the heart of the government's ability to maintain a secure youth justice system, so there is substantial public interest in the report being released.

"At a time when all Victorians are under cost-of-living pressures, the government decides to use taxpayer's money in an attempt to hide their failings and that is simply appalling.

"The Allan Labor Government needs to stop being so secretive and release this report. Victorians deserve to know what has occurred in this instance and that is why I am fighting this shocking decision."

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