A team comprising specialists from five practice groups across Allens has advised Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) on its US$1.4 billion investment into the Perdaman Karratha Urea Project.
The greenfield Project, to be developed near Karratha in Western Australia, will be one of the largest urea plants globally and will use the latest and most efficient technology to produce urea at amongst the lowest levels of carbon intensity. Once operational, the Project is expected to convert natural gas into an estimated 2.3 million tonnes of urea per annum; Australia currently imports around 2.4 million tonnes per year.
'It has been a privilege to continue our strong relationship with GIP and work with the team on this important investment. This project will make a significant contribution to global food security and the Australian economy,' said lead Partner Louis Chiam.
'We have seen very strong levels of private capital investment into infrastructure projects over the past three years, and this matter is consistent with that trend.'
Allens has also advised GIP on its recent investments into Queensland Curtis LNG, Gladstone LNG and Pluto Train 2.