Allens Guides Barrenjoey in Mayur's A$100M Placement

Allens is pleased to have advised Barrenjoey Markets as Lead Manager and Underwriter in connection with an approximately A$100 million partially underwritten two-tranche placement of new CHESS Depository Interests by Mayur Resources (ASX:MRL), as announced to ASX on 21 February 2025.

Mayur's placement was strongly supported, and upsized to approximately $100m following excess demand in the bookbuild. It included pre-commitments and direct subscriptions from new and existing sophisticated and professional investors.

Allens' role as counsel to the Lead Manager and Underwriter is a reflection of the Firm's unique and extensive capability acting on both 'bank-side' and 'issuer-side' mandates across the full spectrum of capital market transactions.

This builds on a busy few months for Allens' capital markets team, including acting as lead manager counsel in connection with an upsized A$130m placement and A$30 placement for Lotus Resources (ASX:LOT) and DUG Technology (ASX:DUG), respectively. The Firm also acted as issuer counsel in connection with Northern Minerals ' (ASX: NTU) A$43m placement, Patriot Battery Metals' (ASX:PMT/TSX:PMET) US$48m strategic placement to Volkswagen Group, Golden Horse Minerals' (ASX:GHM) A$18m IPO and most recently, Minerals 260's (ASX:MI6) current A$200m - A$220m (min-max) public offer in connection with its proposed re-compliance listing.

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