Alpaca Selfies, Goat Giggles, Fresh Paddock Produce Unveiled

Farm Gate Trail

The Scenic Rim Farm Gate Trail is Sunday July 28!

It's never been more important to celebrate and support where our food comes from – and the very best opportunity to do this is at the Scenic Rim Farm Gate Trail on Sunday July 28, so wash out the esky and prepare for a day of fresh flavour, farmer chats and full bellies.

What you can expect: overflowing larders on the farm, freshly picked produce from a paddock you can see, jams and chutneys made with love, olives and cheese, milk and honey and garlic, carrots for days, farm walks, wine tastings, gin flights, beer sips, flower farm fun, lamb pats, alpaca cuddles and goat giggles. Add to this big skies, fresh air, winding roads and more than a few dog friendly stops. Who's in!

The Scenic Rim Farm Gate Trail is the much loved and highly anticipated day when the farmers, growers, producers, winemakers, brewers, distillers and flavour-makers across the famous region open their gates to celebrate where food comes from. It's an opportunity to learn about farming from the farmers and leave with full stomachs and a love for the Scenic Rim region, its produce and its people.

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