AMA working to get 60-day dispensing over line

Australian Medical Association

The AMA has been engaging extensively with senators and MPs to help lock in the federal government's 60-day dispensing policy, while countering a scare campaign in the media.

The AMA has been working hard to highlight the many benefits for patients of the federal government's 60-day dispensing policy, which effectively halves the costs of many medications for patients.

These efforts have involved considerable media engagement, with AMA President Professor Steve Robson and Vice President Danielle McMullen countering a largely dishonest scare campaign against the policy.

The AMA continues to stick to the facts of 60-day dispensing, highlighting the benefits of improved medication adherence and cost-of-living relief the policy will provide consumers.

Engagement with Parliament is also ongoing, with Professor Robson recently presenting to crossbench senators and meeting individually with others to promote the benefits of the policy.

There are many other voices supporting this measure, including the Consumer Health Forum, which has been a vocal advocate of 60-day dispensing and its many consumer benefits.

The CHF has launched a new website designed to educate the Australian community about the benefits of the policy change.

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