Amazing Race to Save Little Miracles

Sunshine Coast Council

As extreme weather threatened our coastline, TurtleCare volunteers worked tirelessly to safeguard the future of endangered baby turtles.

Wildlife Conservation Team Leader Kate Hofmeister said their quick action and commitment ensured many nests were relocated to safer areas, giving hatchlings a better chance of survival.

"Extreme weather conditions, such as extended periods of rainfall, waves overtopping or submerging the clutch, and dune erosion, pose significant threats to developing eggs," Mrs Hofmeister said.

"With the ex-Tropical Cyclone sitting off the Sunshine Coast, dedicated volunteers worked quickly to assess the vulnerability of the 50 nests yet to emerge from the 124 clutches laid this season.

"Volunteers successfully relocated 31 nests, moving 4,000 eggs to safer, higher locations in the dunes.

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