Anderson Says Fire Station Upgrades Need Green Light

NSW Nationals

Nationals Member for Tamworth, Kevin Anderson, says upgrades to the Werris Creek and Manilla Fire and Rescue Stations must be given the green light as soon as possible.

Mr Anderson said he'd been working with local firefighters and the community to campaign for the upgrades, and now was the time for the government to commit.

"Upgrades to these Fire and Rescue NSW stations are long overdue," Mr Anderson said.

"The NSW Labor Government need to understand that if they want to recruit more people to Fire and Rescue, then they need to have the facilities to match.

"Firefighters in Werris Creek and Manilla do an outstanding job for their community responding emergency events, community events, and informing the community about fire safety.

"The stations are an important part of the local community, and it's time to bring them up to modern standards to ensure local firefighters are best resources to serve their community.

"Modern tankers are much larger than they were 90 years ago, meaning modern appliances are outgrowing our older stations.

"The Werris Creek brigade also has three female firefighters on staff, representing a quarter of their 12 total positions.

"Despite this, the Werris Creek Station still doesn't have adequate changing and bathroom facilities for female firefighters."

Mr Anderson said he had been targeting the $50 million Fire & Rescue NSW Female Firefighter Facility Upgrades program.

"The former Government's $50 million Female Firefighter Facility Upgrade program has been retained by the Labor Government, and funding should be set aside for Manilla and Werris Creek.

"I recently met with the Minister for Emergency Services Jihad Dib and Fire and Rescue NSW to push for them to commit to these station upgrades, and I'm now calling on them to begin the consultation process."

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