Anie Perrault Named Acting Chair of PMPRB

Patented Medicine Prices Review Board Canada

Chairperson of the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB), Mr. Thomas Digby has stepped down from his role, effective March 6, 2025, to pursue other opportunities. The PMPRB's Vice-Chairperson, Ms. Anie Perrault, has assumed the duties of acting Chairperson until a permanent replacement for Mr. Digby is appointed by the Governor in Council.

Mr. Digby was appointed as Chairperson during a transitional period for the PMPRB. The Board thanks him for his leadership and guidance, which brought stability to the organization. The Board members look forward to maintaining the momentum they have built together in a shared effort to realizing the PMPRB's important mandate.

Ms. Perrault, a lawyer by training with more than 30 years of professional experience in the public and private sector, was appointed Vice-Chairperson of the Board in August 2023. Ms. Perrault will continue to be supported by Board members Dr. Emily Reynen, Mr. Peter Moreland-Giraldeau and Ms. Sharon Blady as the PMPRB works to finalize its new Guidelines as planned. The Board is looking forward to receiving submissions to its draft Guidelines by March 19, 2025.

The Board and PMPRB staff are grateful for the services of Mr. Digby and wish him success in his future endeavours.

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